Live Events
- Can you Screen Share and Broadcast at the same time during an event?
- Can you stream to Facebook, YouTube, etc. from your Live Event Room?
- Can you Brand Your Room?
- Can you Customize the Live Event Sign Up Page?
- Does each person who signs up for the event get their own link?
- How many people can present during a live event at the same time?
- What happens after someone signs up?
- What happens if someone doesn't show up?
- What happens if someone leaves early?
- Can I share a video during a live event?
- Is there a thank you page or countdown timer before the event starts?
- How do I invite people to speak with me?
- How many people can attend a live event during a free trial?
- Does anyone have to download anything before attending the event?
- Can I bring people up from the audience?
- Are live events password protected?
- Can you prevent people from attending your event?
- How can I approve and disapprove people from attending my event?
- Can someone attend my event on their mobile?
- Is there a video delay?
- Can I host live Q&A sessions?
- Is there chat in the live room?
- Is there moderated chat in the live room?
- How many people can share their screen at the same time?
- What video quality does JetWebinar stream in?
- What if the number of people who attend my event exceed the capacity on the plan I signed up for?
- When people sign up for their event, what timezone appears in their email?
- What information can I collect on the sign up page?
- Can I add a video on my thank you page?
- How do people get their invitation link?