At JetWebinar, we want to make sure your event is a resounding success - that is why we put together this handy checklist to make sure your event works for you!
Before the Event
- Set up your event: Whether you are hosting a Live Event or an Automated Event, make sure you set it up right!
- Develop your Email Funnel: Set up your confirmation, reminder, did not attend and follow-up emails to your preference by clicking on the 'E-Mail' tab in your events.
- Configure the Registration Page: Make sure you add the information about your event in the Registration page and include information like topics covered, an agenda, and who will be presenting.
- Send out the Presenter links: Click on the 'Presenter' tab in your event, and send out Presenter links so that your Presenters can join and present!
- Set your Chat Style: Along with your other in-webinar options like where do you want your audience to go after the event (do you want to go to your website, a landing page, or just see a Thank You page), remember to set your chat style to 'Open' (where everyone can see the chat messages) or Moderated (where only the Host and Presenters can see messages from attendees unless they are promoted by the Host to all attendees; attendees can always see messages seen by the Host and Presenters).
- Upload Videos: in your Media section, upload any videos that you want to have ready to play in your Event Room. This will allow them to be easily accessible in the Room from the 'Tools' Menu, and play without interruption to your audience.
Just before the Start Time
- Make sure your environment is clean and 'distraction-free': having even a fish tank in the background can be distracting to your audience. Make sure your background is presentable and is 'static' - that is, nothing is or can move during your presentation.
- Notes and your Camera: If you are using presentation notes, make sure that those notes are on the same screen as your camera. Looking off camera (away from your audience) can make it look like you are not interested in them.
- Screen Share: make sure that if you are ready to present something during your presentation, it too is ready to go, and either minimized or in front of your camera. That way, your audience can still see your camera and you look like you are focused on them.
As always, let us know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions by sending us an email to or clicking on the 'Submit a Request' button along the top.
Thank you for choosing JetWebinar!
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