You can use another email tool or marketing automation tool if you do not want to use our built-in tool.
In order to do this, please see this article on marketing automation integration: Can JetWebinar integrate with an email marketing platform??
PLEASE NOTE: the platform defaults to sending out confirmation emails as well as reminder emails four hours and one hour before the event. If you wish to disable these emails as well:
- Save the confirmation email WITHOUT a subject line, and
- Delete the reminder emails.
If you do both of these things, then the platform will not send out any emails to your audience. For information on how to edit emails, please see this article: How to easily customize any email in the email funnel?
As always, let us know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions by sending us an email to or clicking on the 'Submit a Request' button along the top.
Thank you for choosing JetWebinar!
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